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West Dorset Rifle and Pistol Club (WDRPC)
WDRPC shooting at the Tunnel (the Target Sports Centre Ltd)
All ranges are OPEN.
Please ring/email the Tunnel Reception to book.
01297 560049
CSR practice is Wednesdays, 1800-1900hrs. Practical mini rifle sessions are Thursdays, 1800-2000hrs.
WDRPC shooting at Bisley (National Shooting Centre)
Please email the club if you wish to register your interest in Bisley shoots;
Club Shoots are usually monthly on a Friday. If you are also an individual member of the NRA then you can book directly. Shooting at Bisley is subject to payment of their range fees.
Membership of WDRPC provides opportunity for both individual and competition shooting, with full access to The Tunnel private range complex owned and operated by the Target Sports Centre Ltd at any time during their opening hours (currently open Tuesday to Saturday inclusive).
The Club uses membership subscriptions to hire the ranges there, so members do not pay any additional range fees and may shoot as much and as often as they wish (subject to checking with Target Sports Centre Ltd staff that range time is available, and that appropriate supervision can be provided during the probationary period). Club members are able to purchase ammunition on site and the Target Sports Centre Ltd makes full bore and small bore rifles available for borrowing or hiring by members of Home Office Approved clubs that have booked their ranges, including ours.
WDRPC has Home Office Approval for full bore rifle, small bore rifle and muzzle loading pistol disciplines, and is currently able to consider new applications for membership. If you are currently a full member of another Home Office Approved Club (for these disciplines), or hold a firearm certificate for suitable firearms, then the Club Committee are able to consider you joining as a 'full' member. In all other cases new members must complete a 'probationary period' in accordance with Home Office requirements, attending and shooting on at least six occasions in a minimum of three months. Probationary members will be supervised during their shooting.
The club is affiliated to, and insured through, the National Rifle Association (NRA) and also shoots at Bisley regularly. On those occasions members will usually need to pay to cover NRA range fees.

Our shooting disciplines
The Club's membership participate and compete in a wide range of shooting disciplines, including practical shooting. If you would like to pursue any particular shooting discipline we are more than happy to assist. West Dorset Rifle & Pistol Club particularly offers Civilian Service Rifle (CSR), F Class, McQueen's and Practical Mini Rifle shooting opportunities, as both informal club events and in competition. The club has CSR practice sessions booked on the 100m range on Wednesday evenings 1800-1900hrs, and Practical Mini Rifle sessions booked on Thursday evenings on the Target Sports Centre's 25m range.
In addition to hosting and supporting these disciplines, the Target Sports Centre ranges are equipped for 10m Air Pistol, 10m Air Rifle, 25m Sport Pistol, Prone Rifle, Sporting Rifle, Muzzle Loading Rifle, Muzzle Loading Pistol, Bench Rest Rifle, and more.
The club regularly offers introductory sessions to Practical Mini Rifle and to Civilian Service Rifle. The club can assist in sourcing coaching, as well as offering opportunities for members to undertake range safety officer training with the national governing bodies. We can also offer advice and assistance sessions on applying for a firearm certificate and on starting reloading.
Load Development & Longer Range Shooting
Whether club members participate in formal competition, or prefer to shoot in less intense circumstances, many are seeking to improve their achievements by working up a particular load that improves the accuracy of their rifle and ammunition combination, and which enables them to shoot with precision at greater distances.
We have a strong cadre of members who can assist those seeking to reload their own ammunition, and those who wish to try shooting at greater distances. Many members simply want some friendly help with chronographing and the use of ballistic apps. The on site shop offers reloading supplies and the Target Sports Centre Ltd can arrange the supervised use of chronographs, by prior request. The Target Sports Centre Ltd also runs occasional introduction to reloading courses. Please enquire with the Tunnel directly about these.

About Bisley
The extensive range complex at Bisley, Surrey, is operated through the National Shooting Centre on behalf of the National Rifle Association. Details of the facilities and events can be found at
The club produces a guide to our shooting there, which is provided in the membership pack. The ranges provide great opportunities for long range shooting and competition.
About The Tunnel
The Tunnel is a modern shooting range complex located in a former road tunnel in West Dorset. It presently houses two indoor small-bore rifle ranges (25m & 35m), and an indoor, 100m full-bore rifle range built in a separate structure on the site. The Centre also offers three classrooms, a seating area/cafe, and gun shop.
The ranges are used primarily by shooting clubs, but are also available for private hire for firearms training, experience days, corporate events, and film and television work.
For more in formation please see or the facilities brochure here;
Members should be aware that whilst the Target Sports Centre Ltd offers shooting opportunities directly to members of the public, the club does not allow any 'guests' to attend and shoot. Non-members wishing to shoot must enquire about private range hire through Target Sports Centre Ltd.

Application and fees
Prospective members are able to download the necessary application form from this site. Please note that we require a hard copy, with an actual signature, to be submitted.
As all applications must be supported by existing full members, and be approved by the club committee, if you are completely new to the club please get in touch to arrange to meet a committee member before submitting an application. We can arrange to meet you at the Target Sports Centre Ltd and then discuss your intended application first. Full membership of the club may be used to support an application for a firearm certificate in due course.
The current membership fees are;
Adults: £30 per month by standing order, or £360 for the full year
Juniors: £15 per month by standing order, or £180 for the full year
(Junior rates apply to those aged under 18)
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